Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Orkut Proxy Servers

If you are looking for orkut proxy sites which can be used to surf orkut from your college and hostel internet network, then there is another orkut proxy servers database. They are sharing a huge list of proxy sites for orkut.

Orkut is well known website in India and Brazil and many orkut users are frustrated because they are blocked in the college internet network. Now you can unblock orkut by using the proxy sites in the list of new proxy servers.

These school proxy sites and servers are simply great and they are working like hell because they are updated regularly and remove those proxies which are reported as not working by the proxy users.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Order orkut proxy

I am not your service of orkut proxy and if you are looking for orkut proxy sites, then there is another new proxy sites which provides the list of new proxy sites for orkut.The orkut users from office and college is increasing day by day and so as the demand of orkut in office.

So if you need orkut proxy, then you can order the orkut proxy and I will provide you the best new and fresh orkut porxy sites regularly. And if you think that you need new myspace proxy sites also, then there is another proxy site of me which provide myspace proxy sites also.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Orkut Proxy for office

There are many orkut users from the office because many Indians are using the orkut from the office internet network. Most of the schools, colleges and office block the orkut from the internet network and if you want to use the orkut from the office, college and school network, then you can find the new orkut proxy which is effective for unblocking orkut. Recently I have updated the list of orkut proxy servers and you will find many useful proxy sites in this list which are effective for your networks.